Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Jan 11, 2006

More Noted Things

Our colleague, Rob McDougall, will host the History Carnival on Sunday 15 January at Old is the New New. It will be a humdinger, because – well – because he's Rob MacDougall and this Carnival will draw on everything since 15 December. Send your nominations and self-nominations of exemplary posts in history, with titles and links, to electromail*at*robmacdougall*dot*org.

Robert Shibley,"American Hypocrites Association," The Fire, 10 January, is – ah – about us historians; and, when you've read that, check out Scott Jaschik's"Retractions from David Horowitz," Inside Higher Ed, 11 January. We went around the track with Horowitz's urban legends 10 months ago and now he admits to telling more of them. Give yourself a salary cut, David. Hire some fact checkers.

The town of Prentiss, Mississippi, has fired its public defender for appealing the death sentence of Cory Maye. You'd think they'd know that that is what a public defender is supposed to do. Thanks to Radley Balko at Liberty & Power for the tip.

For those interested in the discussion at Sam Wineburg's"Extra, Extra: History Repeats Itself," you can access his article,"Crazy for History," Journal of American History, 90 (March 2004), via History Cooperative.

Ahistoricality has an eye for a good line and he found a good one at Historiblogography:

There really is no sight more awe-inspiring than that of a bunch of senior bureaucrats rolling into an accountability deflecting ball, pumping out streams of passive language the way an octopus fires ink ....
You can credit Chris Bray for that one.

Finally, thanks to Kevin Drum at Political Animal for including Cliopatria in his list of 20 recommended blogs and for calling attention to the winners of The Cliopatria Awards.

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More Comments:

Ralph E. Luker - 1/11/2006

Thanks, with my apologies, Rob. I've corrected the address and hope that I've not directed too many submissions to the wrong Rob MacDougall!

Jim Williams - 1/11/2006

Thanks for fighting the good fight at the AHA meeting against campus speech codes and for informing the wider world of outrageous abuses of justice like the case of Cory Maye. Thanks also for putting up with the inanity and/or churlishness of some who throw stones at you.

The post on the American Hypocrites Association brought a grin to my face - gee, I'm a card-carrying member! Maybe when my kids get out of college I can afford to attend meetings again and be a "troublemaker" like you.

Rob MacDougall - 1/11/2006

Thanks for the plug, Ralph! But that email address for History Carnival submissions should end in .ORG, not .COM.