Blogs > Liberty and Power > Churchill Overruled: Innocent Lives Spared

Jan 2, 2006

Churchill Overruled: Innocent Lives Spared

With a new year comes the disclosure of new state secrets. After sixty-three years, wartime cabinet documents just released show that Winston Churchill wanted the RAF to wipe out German villages in retaliation for the Nazi massacre of Czech civilians in the village of Lidice. He proposed 'three for one' bombing of German villages and abandoned the plan only in the face of opposition from cabinet colleagues, who feared that the lives of aircrews would be placed needlessly at risk. Clement Attlee, the dominions secretary and future Labour prime minister, said he believed it unwise"to enter into competition in frightfulness with the Germans". On June 15 Churchill conceded, saying:"My instinct is strongly the other way ... I submit unwillingly to the view of cabinet against."

The story from today’s Guardian carries other interesting stories from the notebooks kept by Sir Norman Brook, the wartime deputy cabinet secretary, who recorded cabinet meetings. Churchill wanted Adolf Hitler executed"like a gangster" in an electric chair borrowed from the Americans, if the dictator were captured alive by British troops; German PoWs in British hands shot if the Nazis began killing British captives; and Mahatma Gandhi allowed to die if he went on hunger strike while interned.

British troops were told to show respect for the US army's racial segregation policies by showing"reserve" when meeting black troops stationed in Britain during the war. The guidance was issued after anguished debate in Churchill's cabinet over how to deal with discriminatory American rules. The Guardian explains that hundreds of thousands of black troops, mostly from colonies, were expected to be treated equally in the British Empire's armed forces, while white US soldiers ate and slept separately from their black comrades.

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More Comments:

Robert Higgs - 1/3/2006

I see nothing in these disclosures about Churchill that would strike a neocon as immoral. Indeed, his three-for-one mass murder proposal seems to be right down neocon alley, a la Fallujah and many other Iraqi cities (mirroring Churchill's own use of poison gas against Iraqi villagers in the 1920s).

Whatever the fate of the German villages Churchill wanted to obliterate in this just-reported affair, his subordinate, Bomber Harris, was certainly not restrained from carrying out extensive terror bombings of cities all over Germany--a practice that was not only patently immoral but, we now know, militarily stupid as well. German morale was not broken, but hardened, by those attacks, as a sensible person would have suspected it would be.

David T. Beito - 1/3/2006

Somehow I don't think that the NeoCons will revoke Churchill's sainthood because of this. Even as they condemn they "moral relativism" of their critics, they seem oblivious to it in their own heroes.