Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Cure for Governmment Failure? More Government

Jan 3, 2006

The Cure for Governmment Failure? More Government

The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports the following today:
Despite 70 years of federal effort to address the imbalance, rural America remains significantly less prosperous than urban America, prompting new thinking about how to stem its decline.

The"new thinking" is entirely about how government might finally get it right.

Maybe it's me, but if private-sector efforts had failed at something for 70 years (or a lot less time than that), we'd be flooded with demands for the government to do something. But here we have a case where governments have failed miserably after all that time and what we're flooded with is . . . demands that government do something.

As Albert Jay Nock wrote in Our Enemy, the State (1935),"It is a curious anomaly. State power has an unbroken record of inability to do anything efficiently, economically, disinterestedly or honestly; yet when the slightest dissatisfaction arises over any exercise of social power, the aid of the agent least qualified to give aid is immediately called for."

Of course the case at hand is worse than the kind Nock alludes to because the failure is clearly government's.

(Cross-posted at Free Association.)

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More Comments:

Lisa Casanova - 1/3/2006

The point about government failure is spot on, but I think another part of the problem is that so many people have the idea that you just plop yourself down wherever you want to live (or stay wherever you were born), and it's the government's job to bring economic prosperity to you so that you can make it there. You see this a lot when towns that grew up around one industry suffer when companies that basically supported the whole town start going out of business. People expect to just stay in a town built around a business that no longer exists, and wait for the government bring them jobs and money so they can continue to live there.