Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted

Dec 24, 2005

Additionally Noted

The Brooklyn Museum is featuring"Tree of Paradise: Jewish Mosaics from the Roman Empire," a major exhibit of synagogue mosaics and related artifacts. They suggest a rich and complex life in the 7th century C. E. Jewish diaspora around the Mediterranean. Hat tip to Cranky Professor who finds the exhibit exposes several"zombie errors." Jeff at Quid Nomen Illius has recommendations for what to give the medievalist in your life for Christmas.

Aaron Nicodemus,"Federal Agents Visit was a Hoax," Times-Standard, 24 December, puts the story to rest. Thanks to Manan Ahmed and Jonathan Rees for the tip.

David E. Kaplan,"Nuclear Monitoring of Muslims Done Without Search Warrants," USNews & World Report, 22 December, is the most recent revelation about domestic surveillance in the United States. Eric Lichtblau and James Risen,"Spy Agency Mined Vast Data Troves, Officials Report," New York Times, 24 December, claims that the domestic surveillance programs are much more widespread than the administration has yet acknowledged.

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Jonathan Rees - 12/24/2005
