Blogs > Liberty and Power > Another Horror Story from Britain

Dec 24, 2005

Another Horror Story from Britain

Read here how Mrs. Lynette Burrows was investigated by the police for what she said on a radio program. She had stated her belief that homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt. She added that placing boys with two homosexuals for adoption was as obvious a risk as placing a girl with two heterosexual men who offered themselves as parents."It is a risk," she said."You would not give a small girl to two men."

A member of the public complained to the police and an officer contacted Mrs Burrows the following day to say a"homophobic incident" had been reported against her.

"I was astounded," she said."I told her this was a free country and we are allowed to express opinions on matters of public interest. She told me it was not a crime but that she had to record these incidents."

"They were leaning on me, letting me know that the police had an interest in my views. I think it is sinister and completely unacceptable."

Scotland Yard confirmed last night that Fulham police had investigated a complaint over the radio programme.

A spokesman said it was policy for community safety units to investigate homophobic, racist and domestic incidents because these were"priority crimes".

"All parties have been spoken to by the police. No allegation of crime has been made. A report has been taken but is now closed."

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More Comments:

Mark Brady - 12/29/2005

I agree entirely. In fact, when I read her remarks, they struck me as revealing a bias against men, rather than gay men. That said, I think no good, only harm, will come of the state concerning itself with her or anyone else's prejudices. Let's leave that to other individuals to counter.

Lisa Casanova - 12/28/2005

Though I disagree with her views on gay adoption, there's something else in her comments that will probably get much less attention. Essentially, she says that straight men who would offer to undertake care of a young girl must be regarded as potential child molesters. Does that mean all straight men who express interest in providing child care are potential pedophiles, and need a woman as part of the family unit not only to parent, but to make sure the man doesn't commit child molestation? That seems like predjudice of a different kind, and fairly odious too.