Blogs > Cliopatria > Cory Maye We Kill You?

Dec 20, 2005

Cory Maye We Kill You?

I outlined my understanding of the case of Cory Maye in"An Open Letter to Governor Haley Barbour." [See also: here.] Alas, my op-ed fell into the great op-ed abyss. I'll have to write a better one. I've written to 25 well known friends, asking them to do what they can to bring Cory Maye's plight to public attention. I tried and failed to prompt three major journalists with a social conscience to write about his case. He will die unless we do. The case for him to live has drawn remarkable support from bloggers -- black and white, libertarian, conservative, liberal, and radical. Radley Balko has secured a copy of Cory Maye's trial transcript and will soon post it on the net. Daniel Glover,"A Tale of Two Killers," National Journal, 19 December, discusses"Tookie" Williams, Cory Maye, and the bloggers. Best of all, Glenn Reynolds continues to blog about Cory Maye. If we let his story die, he will.

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