Blogs > Liberty and Power > Little Red Book

Dec 17, 2005

Little Red Book

[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]

I see that the print version of Kevin Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, an updated statement of Benjamin-Tucker-style individualist anarchism, or “free-market socialism, ” can now conveniently be purchased via PayPal (at least for shipping within the United State of Amerika).

I highly recommend Carson’s book – which, as it happens, is the subject of an upcoming symposium issue of the Journal of Libertarian Studies. That doesn’t mean I agree with everything in the book; on the contrary, as a more-or-less Rothbardian I firmly disagree with two of its most central theses: the labour theory of value (though Carson’s version of that theory is certainly far more defensible than the Marxian version) and the no-absentee-landlordship theory of property rights. But where I agree with it I think it is an excellent defense of the sort of anti-corporatist, pro-labour, left-libertarianism I embrace; and where I disagree with it I think it makes intelligent arguments that deserve careful consideration.

So go buy it right now and expand your mind. (Or if you want an advance preview, check out the online version.) Or why not buy two copies? The second one’ll make a great Yuletide gift for that libertarian friend you want to move leftward or that leftist friend you want to move libertarianward; the book has a red cover, so just wrap it in a green (or Green) ribbon and you’re all set!

P.S. In light of recent events I should perhaps make clear that Kevin Carson is not paying me to plug his book. (Hey, does that mean I’m not being paid the value of my product? Iranoff and Buljanoff unfair to Kopalski!)

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More Comments:

Sheldon Richman - 12/18/2005

Thanks for the tip, Roderick. I just bought a copy. Carson & co. provide an essential context-widening for libertarians who are infected by the Reaganite virus (and even some who aren't). You can still find libertarians who look longingly back to 1981-1988 as though it were a golden age, just because RR occasionally used small-government rhetoric. Bah! Reagan recreated the imperial presidency out of the ruins in which Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter thankfully left it. He did many more things for which he should have been indicted, not least of which bequeathing us the Bushes. It makes me want to scream!

Kevin Carson - 12/18/2005

Thanks for the plug, Roderick. The kickback is in the mail.

Sorry for the confusion, William. Yes, there are plenty of good copies available. I don't know who was selling the books at Chaos Day, or where they came from, but they're clearly misprints. I never send misprints by mail unless the buyer makes it clear that's what he/she wants.

Roderick T. Long - 12/18/2005

On Carson’s website it says: “Copies of the book can be purchased for $20 each. Misprinted copies (identical in every way, except they lack page numbers) are available at half-price while they last.”

William J. Stepp - 12/17/2005


I don't know if all all copies are defective or not, but before buying it, I'd want an assurance that I was going to receive a good copy.

William J. Stepp - 12/17/2005

At the annual Chaos Day event last week, there was a copy on sale for $10, but it lacked an index. Flipping through it, I noticed the pages were not numbered.
I don't know if it was a defective copy or not, but before buying it, I'd want an assurance that I was going to receive a good copy.
In his reply to my e-mail, Kevin Carson said he uses a desk copy with pages numbered by his own hand.
He didn't say if there are good copies (i.e. with pages numbered) available.