Blogs > Liberty and Power > William Proxmire R.I.P

Dec 16, 2005

William Proxmire R.I.P

Robert K.C. Johnson reports that William Proxmire has died. Proxmire served for more than three decades in the U.S. Senate from Wisconsin. In this role, he stood out as a giant among pigmies.

Even before Ron Paul, he proved that it was possible to win elections (in Wisconsin no less!) while at the same time voting against (nearly) every big spending proposal that came along. His skepticism toward federal programs was not the result of ideology but rather years of first-hand observation of the follies and wastes of government. It was Proxmire who originated the Golden Fleece Awards.

He opposed boondogles across the board whether in the Department of Health and Human Services or the Pentagon. He was the number one"Doctor No" in Congress of his time. Year after year, the annual rating of the National Taxpayers Union ranked this fiscal watchdog around 80 percent, far ahead of his colleagues

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Jeff Riggenbach - 12/16/2005

I worked with Senator Proxmire for several years during the 1980s, when I was executive producer of "Byline," a daily radio program sponsored by the Cato Institute and heard on several hundred radio stations nationwide. Bill announced his "Golden Fleece Award" each month on "Byline," which meant that I got to read his description of each award recipient before just about anyone else. Bill was no libertarian, of course -- you could hardly find a more avid supporter of federal subsidies to Wisconsin dairy farmers, for example -- but he was unfailingly professional and witty and generally a pleasure to work with.

Robert Higgs - 12/16/2005

Yes, I always loved those awards by Proxmire, announced with great fanfare once a month and widely reported in the press.

Acting on my own behalf, I wish to award the Golden Fleece to . . . the entire Bush administration, from A to Z, from alpha to omega, from zero to infinity (that final entry being the value toward which the national debt is rapidly moving).