Blogs > Liberty and Power > No Whirling Dervishes

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David T. Beito - 12/15/2005

Having said that, Peter Mentzel, an excellent historian of the Middle East, did told me about the Whirling Dervishes years ago and their use of mutual aid.

David T. Beito - 12/15/2005

Actually, I haven't. It was a pretty lame joke on my part.

Kenneth R Gregg - 12/15/2005

The Sufi religion is quite interesting. Glad to see that you have looked into it as a social phenomenon. There is a lot of merit in the movement. The quasi-deist Ba'Hai is also of interest, although their connection with the previous rulers in Iran has hurt their reputation.
Just a thought.
Just Ken

Tom G Palmer - 12/15/2005

David, I've also included copies of the very fine collection you co-edited, The Voluntary City.