Blogs > Liberty and Power > Celebrate Christmas, Or Else!

Dec 13, 2005

Celebrate Christmas, Or Else!

Lew Rockwell has a great article about the supposed War on Christmas. It has some interesting insights on politics and there's some really cool historical stuff in there, too. It begins:
The evangelical movement in America—the one that put Bush in the White House and continues to constitute his most dependable base of support—has been whipped into a frothing frenzy over the idea, promoted by the newshounds with too much air time to kill at Fox, that someone, somewhere is waging a War on Christmas.

What? Is the government, some government anywhere, actively preventing Christians from celebrating Christmas, as in the Soviet Union, Cuba, China—or, the egregious case of Massachusetts Colony in the 17th century (we’ll get to that)?

No, apparently not. The problem is more subtle, or so they say.

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