Blogs > Liberty and Power > Vast and Cool

Dec 11, 2005

Vast and Cool

[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]

The latest amazing feature from Google is something called Google Earth, which allows you to zero in on any portion of the globe, via satellite photos. Large urban areas tend to be shown in higher resolution than small towns or rural areas; check out the detail on this view of Chicago.

You can zoom in and out, scan in any direction, spin the globe with your mouse, search for specific addresses, view pics with or without street names, etc. You can see individual people standing in Trafalgar Square, or plunge into the surprisingly high-resolution (and 3-D!) abysses of the Grand Canyon. A dangerously tempting time-waster!

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More Comments:

Roderick T. Long - 12/19/2005


Stephan Kinsella - 12/19/2005

Sniff. That's better.

Roderick T. Long - 12/19/2005

Nearly excellent!

Stephan Kinsella - 12/13/2005

What does a brother have to do around here to get an "excellent!" sub-sub-subreply?

Roderick T. Long - 12/12/2005


Mark Olson - 12/12/2005

See this.


Stephan Kinsella - 12/12/2005

e.g., try out Live Local, and go to say, San Francisco of Philadelphia, and check out the incredible "Bird's Eye Images" feature.

Yahoo Maps Beta is also ultra cool. Check it out.