Blogs > Liberty and Power > Shrinks Consider Racism as "Mental Illness" for the DSM

Dec 10, 2005

Shrinks Consider Racism as "Mental Illness" for the DSM

The heedless drive to medicalize all social problems continues. The Washington Post reports that psychiatrists are now considering adding racism, homophobia, etc. to the DSM:

Mental health practitioners say they regularly confront extreme forms of racism, homophobia and other prejudice in the course of therapy, and that some patients are disabled by these beliefs. As doctors increasingly weigh the effects of race and culture on mental illness, some are asking whether pathological bias ought to be an official psychiatric diagnosis.

Inevitably, psychiatrists are already envisioning"medication" (think of the commercials?) to treat this potential new disease:
Doctors who treat inmates at the California State Prison outside Sacramento concur: They have diagnosed some forms of racist hatred among inmates and administered antipsychotic drugs.

"We treat racism and homophobia as delusional disorders," said Shama Chaiken, who later became a divisional chief psychologist for the California Department of Corrections, at a meeting of the American Psychiatric Association."Treatment with antipsychotics does work to reduce these prejudices."

The next stage after that will probably be twelve step programs and mandatory"treatment programs."

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More Comments:

Brian Radzinsky - 12/13/2005

The link for that article is no longer active.

Brian Radzinsky - 12/13/2005

The term has stuck for convenience purposes, especially since it was coined a while ago. No one really cares enough to update the term, although heterosexism is becoming more commonly used.

Roderick T. Long - 12/11/2005

We agree to call racism, sexism, etc. psychological illnesses if the government agrees to call statism a psychological illness as well.

Sheldon Richman - 12/11/2005

If the Therapeutic State weren't such a threat, it would be a hilarious joke. Read that aricle carefully to see that institutional psychiatry realizes what a scam this is.

Kevin Jahnke - 12/11/2005

We already have mandatory treatment programs. They are called "sensitivity training" or "cultural diversity" classes.

Gary McGath - 12/11/2005

Didn't that happen quite a while ago, in the case of "homophobia"? The term is a ridiculous chimera, implying that hostility to homosexuals is the result of a pathological fear. The term makes no sense whether you treat "homo" as a Latin root (which means "same" or "similar") or a Greek one (which means "man"). Hostility to homosexuals may be the result of a phobic reaction in a few cases, but not in the large majority.