Blogs > Liberty and Power > British Conservatives Screw Up—Yet Again!

Dec 9, 2005

British Conservatives Screw Up—Yet Again!

Go here to read Anatole Kaletsky’s perceptive analysis of how the British Conservative Party has screwed up—yet again! As an ex-patriate Brit and, in my mispent youth, a Conservative, I still follow British politics and had long been suspicious of David Cameron, who last Tuesday was elected leader of the Conservative Party. That's not to say I could muster any enthusiasm for his rival David Davis. Both Davids are enamoured of George Bush and his desire to project U.S. power in the Middle East. That said, at least Davis seemed to be more interested in the substance of policy and not as preoccupied with image.

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Sudha Shenoy - 12/9/2005

The election of David Cameron is a quintessentially Tory act. The Tories will _never_ adopt any new ideas on their own, if they can at all avoid it. Thus Labour or the Lib-Dems will have to become rabid free-marketeers first -- _after_ which the Tories might just follow, timidly & hesitantly. The Tory rank-and-file are rapidly aging. Who knows, it may yet be possible to replace a moribund Tory party with a vibrant young Whig party...reversing what happened in the 19th century.