Blogs > Liberty and Power > Self-Promotion Tango

Dec 8, 2005

Self-Promotion Tango

[cross-posted at Austro-Athenian Empire]

I’m excited to announce the two latest steps on my path to world domination.

1. I’ll be giving the Rothbard Memorial Lecture at the next Austrian Scholars Conference, March 16-18, 2006. Topic: “Rothbard’s ‘Left and Right’: Forty Years Later.”

2. Then I’ll be giving a week-long Philosophy Seminar at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, June 26-30, 2006. Topic: the praxeological foundations of libertarian ethics.

More details soon!

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More Comments:

Geoffrey Allan Plauche - 12/9/2005

I am so there.

As for the ASC...hopefully I will be there as well. I'm submitting an abstract for a paper on the question of Aristotelian Apriorism and praxeology.

Sheldon Richman - 12/9/2005

I'm looking forward to the podcasts!