Some Reads, Edits and Those Other Awards
Joseph Epstein,"Forgetting Edmund Wilson," Commentary, n.d., in which Epstein doubts Wilson's lasting significance, even as a literary critic;
Scott McLemee,"Thinking at the Limits," Inside Higher Ed, 7 December, on Louis Althusser; and
Margaret Soltan,"No Field, No Future," Inside Higher Ed, 6 December, on the lost sense of what being an English Department is.
Mark Grimsley has returned to his"Counterfactuals and Contingencies" theme at Blog Them Out of the Stone Age.
Caleb McDaniel is at work on his presentation at the American Historical Association convention and invites your comments.
I'm not much interested in his" critical whiteness studies," but there are some interesting issues in Seth Sandronsky,"An Interview with David Roediger," Political, 7 December.
Cliopatria lost interest in most of the other awards after The Cliopatria Awards were established. But she noticed that some of her friends are competing in Wizbang's The Weblog Awards. Among the history bloggers, Josh Marshall's Talking Points Memo is competing for Best Blog, Orac's Respectful Insolence for Best New Blog, Pepys' Diary for Best UK Blog, Frog in a Well for Best Asian Blog, Belmont Club for Best of the Top 250 Blogs, and Political Theory Daily Review and ZenPundit for Best of the Top 1751-2500 Blogs. These are not endorsements, you understand, because Cliopatria also has friends among the non-historians. But, if you have time for such things, you are free to cast your vote anew every 24 hours until 15 December. Thanks to Ahistoricality for the tip.