Blogs > Liberty and Power > More "Who Said This?"

Dec 7, 2005

More "Who Said This?"

Who said this?

Be no man’s lackey. Do not let others tread with impunity on your rights. ... Do not be a parasite or a flatterer or (what really differs from these only in degree) a beggar. ... Bowing or scraping before a man seems in any case to be unworthy of a man. ... Kneeling down or prostrating oneself on the ground, even to show your veneration for heavenly objects, is contrary to the dignity of humanity .... One who makes himself a worm cannot complain afterward if people step on him. ...

Self-esteem is a duty of man to himself.

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Immanuel Kant, in The Metaphysics of Morals.

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Steve Jackson - 12/9/2005

It sounds like something Rand would say. But she seemed to think that eveyone except herself was a whim worshipping altruist.

Roderick T. Long - 12/9/2005

Anyway, as noted above, it's not Rand but Kant, "the most evil man in history."

Roderick T. Long - 12/9/2005

Oh duh, it's a reference to Alex Trebek. Never miiiind ....

Roderick T. Long - 12/9/2005

Um ... who is Alex?

Steve Jackson - 12/9/2005

Who is Ayn Rand, Alex?

Common Sense - 12/7/2005

(I paraphrase from memory.) "Those who can look upon Creation without a profound sense of awe are better off dead."

Albert Einstein