Blogs > Cliopatria > Cliopatria Welcomes Sam Wineburg

Dec 2, 2005

Cliopatria Welcomes Sam Wineburg

Cliopatria has few formal means of identifying new Cliopatricians, but when Miriam Burstein, Sharon Howard, Kelly in Kansas, Rob MacDougall, and Miland at World History Blog all started discussing Sam Wineburg's book, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts: Charting the Future of Teaching the Past, I thought:"Hark, the herald angels sing ...!" Sort of. At least, I thought it would be nice if I found that book under the Christmas tree with my name on it. And wouldn't it be wonderful if Professor Wineburg agreed to join us at Cliopatria? And so he has.

Sam Wineburg studied at Brown University and graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, Berkeley, with a degree in the History of Religion. He taught in middle and high schools before finishing his doctorate in Psychological Studies in Education at Stanford. Thereafter, he taught at the University of Washington and the University of Haifa before joining Stanford's Education faculty in 2002. At Stanford, Wineburg has built a unique doctoral program in History Education. His articles have appeared in such diverse places as Cognitive Science, the Journal of American History, and the Los Angeles Times. His award-winning work has been featured in the New York Times and the Washington Post; and on C-Span, NPR, and WBUR-Boston. It is a pleasure to welcome him to Cliopatria.

More Comments:

K Woestman - 12/4/2005

Ditto! Our MA students who are also teachers participating in a TAH grant completed a seminar on Historical Cognition last spring with your work being the keystone.

Manan Ahmed - 12/2/2005

Welcome news, indeed! Good to have you here.

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 12/2/2005

It's very exciting that you've decided to become a Cliopat!