Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Nov 23, 2005

More Noted Things

There's only one more week for nominations for The Cliopatria Awards. We have some strong candidates, but additional nominees are welcome in all categories. We have the fewest nominees for Best Group Blog and Best Writing, so give it some thought.

Several history bloggers, including Mark Grimsley, Brett Holman, and Scott McLemee, are recommending Eszter Haggerty's"Strategies for Successful Dissertation Completion," Crooked Timber, 18 November, and the discussion following it.

Speaking of McLemee, read his"From the Workshop," Inside Higher Ed, 22 November, on C. Wright Mills's sense of crafting a life of scholarship. If he had lived into our own time, I wonder if a"blog" is what Mills would have meant by a"file."

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