Blogs > Cliopatria > Scattershooting after having really enjoyed the Cincinnati Indianapolis game.

Nov 21, 2005

Scattershooting after having really enjoyed the Cincinnati Indianapolis game.

It looks like the backlash from the Kelo decision has stalled the development that led to the suit. One homeowner is even repairing his roof. (Registration required.)

It looks like debate on the Iraq War is finally beginning to occur in Congress. Given our present level of discourse, the heat to-light-ratio is pretty dingy. Even so, it’s about time.

Israeli politics has gotten very interesting with the move by Ariel Sharon to form not simply a new government but a new centrist party. Lots of people have lots of questions about what this means. My personal question is this: would a new centrist party reduce the impact of the splinter parties that have been so effective in extracting concessions from both Labor and Likud?

The better than average Chinese Buffet where I had lunch has a TV always tuned to CNN. For the vast majority of my half hour, which of the above stories got the most space? That’s right. None of them. Instead we were watching aerial views of the business jet over Portland with landing gear problems (which just landed safely. You can watch via a link here on the right side of the page.).

Now I’m glad those folks got down safely, and I understand why it was a good story. But did they need 20 minutes—at least—focused on it?

Those LA news helicopter reporters, who aided and abetted rioters and who followed OJ into history have a lot to answer for. Now any aerial visual that has a prayer of crashing and burning is 24/7 stuff for our viewing entertainment.

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