Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Here and There

Nov 18, 2005

Noted Here and There

David Irving has been arrested in Austria and charged under 1989 laws there that make denial of the Holocaust a crime. Timesonline cites an Austrian official as saying that Irving will be held in custody until the case goes to trial, perhaps in late December.

"College Week" at Slate features a series of articles on American higher education. Among them,"My First Literary Crush" reminded me of how many books I haven't read.

Last week, Chris Bray posted here at Cliopatria about the riots in France and the concept of"fourth generation warfare" or"4GW". At Blog Them Out of the Stone Age, Mark Grimsley has the first and second of a series of posts up about the notion of 4GW, why it is"laughable" and how military historians have failed to produce better analytical tools for understanding the phenomenon.

Our colleague, Rob MacDougall, has entered this month's contest for a Ronnie. An entry is the workable first draft of a role playing game that you've created within a 24 hour time frame. Rob's game is George Orwell's Animal Farm the rpg. It's called General Mud. He discusses the contest and the game here.

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