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elendil rummy - 11/9/2005
Hello Jonathan. I'm glad that you found my blog of some use. elendil
Jonathan Dresner - 11/9/2005
Were the Gulags primarily prisons that used labor as a form of control and punishment, or were they primarily labor camps that were "staffed" by political prisoners? Or is this a chicken-egg question that doesn't really help much?
Oscar Chamberlain - 11/8/2005
I think it is the "archipelago" half of Solzhenitsyn's phrase that makes it resonate with the opponents of American torture. The scattered CIA sites do have a resemblance to the scattered labor camps.
Of course the CIA sites are not labor camps. They are not as extensive; they are not sites of slave labor.
But it is an archipelago, and if reports are close to correct, its existence has made us more like the Soviets than we were before.