Blogs > Cliopatria > I've Yet to Note This

Nov 8, 2005

I've Yet to Note This

Cliopatria's friend, Claire H. L. George, a doctoral candidate in 17th Century Studies at Durham University, has just published"Blogging History Helpful in Research," Ohmy News International, 6 November. It explores a familiar subject as illuminated by some of the usual suspects. Otoh, Alun Salt speculates that"every time someone blogs about blogging, God kills a kitten." That's a helluva lot of dead cats to incinerate. So, I apparently overtasked him [ed.: Alun, I mean, not G_d, who is, of course, by definition not overtasked by anything] by saying that he [ed.: Alun] was going to do a post about each category of the Cliopatria Awards. So, now he [ed: Alun, not G_d] corrects me by saying that he [ibid.] intended only on doing the easy ones. [ed.: We've all had students like that, haven't we?] I see that Alun and Anon have been busy over at the Cliopatria Awards doing the easy ones. Come, now. Ignore Joseph Epstein. Put your minds to it. We've a fortnight to go for additional nominations. [ed.: Sharon taught me what a fortnight is.]* We need your best thought about: Best Group Blog [ed.: Cliopatria being ineligible], Best Post, Best Series of Posts, and Best Writing.

Update: Ooops. In comments, teacher caught me napping in class. Raps my knuckles; makes me go stand in the corner.

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More Comments:

Sharon Howard - 11/8/2005

Unless I just slept for a week, I make it three weeks to the end of November. (Fortnight = 'fourteen nights' = two weeks.)

I knew you weren't paying attention in class.

Rob MacDougall - 11/8/2005

I thought it was puppies that died. But the point is well taken.

In case it looks like I'm shirking: I too intend to take a crack at the Cliopatria nominations - there are so many worthy candidates - I'm just waiting for the convergence of a fast internet connection and a couple of hours of blessed reading time.