Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Nov 6, 2005

More Noted Things

Carnivalesque!Carnivalesque #10, an early modern edition with special attention to plots and forensics, is up at Early Modern Notes. Our colleague, Sharon Howard, is its host and you know what that means. Enjoy its feast of riches.

Mediocrity Time:"Darn Historibloggers!" says Brandon Watson at Siris."Why can't you be more mediocre?" There is so much good history blogging that it's hard to identify particular nominees for the Cliopatria Awards. Give it your best shot here.

Show Us the Money, I: Todd Wallack and Tanya Schevitz,"No. 2 Official at UC Quits Suddenly," San Francisco Chronicle, 5 November, reports that the University of California system is shaken by the sudden resignation on Friday of its provost, M. R. C. Greenwood. As Margaret Soltan at University Diaries suggests, the charge of nepotism is sadly conventional. There's also the excessive compensation package, of course.

Show Us the Money, II: Dale Light at Light Seeking Light points out Der Spiegal's archive of photographs of German sex workers, 1900-2002. You won't find Cliopatria in that archive. She likes being paid, all right; but she's an ethnically complicated, younger girl.

So Much for Tribble: Congratulations to Daniel Drezner, who's accepted a position at Tufts University's Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

War Crimes?"Former Powell Aide Links Cheney's Office to Abuse Directives," International Herald Tribune, 3 November. More from Colonel Lawrence Wilkinson. Currently, Cheney is heavily lobbying Senators to oppose the legislative ban on torture. Thanks to Bitch PhD, Adam Kotsko, and Andrew Sullivan.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Rees - 11/7/2005

Just a suggestion, Ralph. I think Drezner's discussion of tenure at the bottom of the post you link too is very good, and probably deserves consideration in a post all its own. Did you see it? It's kind of buried under all those rhetorical questions.