Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Nov 1, 2005

Things Noted Here and There

History Carnival!History Carnival the Nineteenth is up at (a)musings of a grad student. While you are reveling in its goodness, don't forget to thank Rebecca Goetz for being a great host!

Academics Ablog: Cliopatria and her friends will be represented at a conversation sponsored by the University of Southern California's Institute for the Future of the Book by Manan Ahmed and John Holbo of The Valve. It aims"to encourage academics with expert knowledge and a distinctive voice to use blogs and other internet-based vehicles to step beyond the boundaries of the academy to reach out to a broader public audience."

Cliopatria Awards: Don't be shy about making nominations for the Cliopatria Awards. We have some excellent nominations so far, but some of you haven't put your minds to it, yet.

Contemplating Catastrophe: Scott McLemee,"Dialectics of Disaster," Inside Higher Ed, 1 November, recalls how the philosophe responded to the Lisbon earthquake of 1755.

Great Minds Casting: Michael Berube and Mr. Sun! have been casting Plamegate, the Movie; or, All The Presidents' Men, Again. Berube seems gender-bound. His Solarity is edgier: Bono as Judith Miller and Angelina Jolie as Robert Novak. Novak is all about the lips, Michael.

Finally: A mind-bender, Yoda Raps. Thanks to Tom at Big Tent for the tip.

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