Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Oct 24, 2005

Things Noted Here and There

John Naish,"Put What Where? 2,000 Years of Bizarre Sex Advice," Times Online, 1 October. I have no advice to offer. A friend did once tell me that it's kinky when you use a feather; it's perverted when you use the whole chicken.

Our friend and colleague, Wilson J. Moses of Penn State, checks in with an addition to the symposium on Sean Wilentz's"Bush's Ancestors." It being Wilson Moses, the contribution is well worth going back to read. Has the man ever said the expected thing?

The meltdown of Bush administration initiatives will apparently continue into the coming week. When there are harsh words like those from such prominent conservatives as Charles Krauthammer and George Will and open discussion of a Miers withdrawal in the Washington Times, you almost have to believe that it is only a matter of time. On another front, you may want to keep your browser pointed to the New Yorker for its publication on Monday of Jeffrey Goldberg's"Breaking Ranks." It will apparently outline severe criticism by Brent Scrowcroft of national security policy in the Bush administration.* Then there is the likelihood that independent counsel Patrick Fitzgerald may finally tip his hand in the Plame investigation before the term of his grand jury expires on Friday. It should make for an interesting week.

*Update: Here are extensive excerpts from the New Yorker article that will appear in full tomorrow. Thanks to Andrew Sullivan and Kevin Drum at Political Animal for the tip.

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