Blogs > Cliopatria > Things I Hadn't Yet Noted

Oct 20, 2005

Things I Hadn't Yet Noted

Symposium: Tomorrow, Cliopatria will feature its fourth Symposia. This one focuses on Sean Wilentz,"Bush's Ancestors," New York Times, 16 October. Cliopatricians participating in the symposium should send their contributions to Manan Ahmed at manan*at*uchicago*dot*edu by this evening. Other history bloggers who want to join us should send him at link to your post. We hope that Professor Wilentz will post a response to our thoughts about his article.

Carnivals:The first Carnival of the Feminists is up at Natalie Bennett's Philobiblion. The second Teaching Carnival is up at Miriam Jones's Scribblingwoman. Be sure to let the hosts know that you appreciate their good work! Our colleague, Rebecca Goetz, will be hosting the next History Carnival at (a)musings of a grad student on 1 November. Send your nominations of exemplary posts to her at rgoetz*at*fas*dot*harvard*dot*edu.

Colleges: Andrew Hacker's"The Truth About the Colleges," NYRB, 3 November, reviews a number of recent books and raises a number of troubling issues, including those addressed in Erin O'Connor's"Too Rich for the Public Good?" Critical Mass, 17 October; Tim Burke's"Could College Be Cheaper?" Easily Distracted, 18 October; David Epstein,"Aid Is Up, Tuition Is Up More," Inside Higher Ed, 19 October; and Matt Yglesias,"," TPMCafe, 19 October.

Harriet Miers: Gene Healy,"Miers," Liberty & Power, 19 October, tells me more about who Harriet Miers is than anything else I've read. This is really an abysmally bad nomination.

Judith Miller: Jason Vest,"Top 10 Next Career Moves for Judith Miller," Village Voice, 19 October.

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