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Oct 18, 2005

Times and Post

While the editors at the New York Times have been busy deciding which information could be published to conform to Judy Miller's legal strategy, maybe it's time to look to the Washington Post as the paper of record. Today's paper features a remarkable profile of alleged corruption by Ohio congressman Bob Ney, who ironically was elected to a previously solid Dem district on an anti-corruption platform in 1994.

I remain dubious that we'll see much of a turnover next year in House races, because district lines have been drawn to maximize incumbent safety. But Stuart Rothernberg, in yesterday's Roll Call, speculated about the possibility of 2006 turning into a Dem version of 1994 for the GOP. In Rothenberg's words,

My 1993 column ended by suggesting that if Clinton remained weak, a Republican generic advertising campaign might “force Democrats to defend more seats” and “help turn a small wave into a tsunami.” That’s how I feel now, except that the beneficiaries this cycle would be Democrats, not the GOP.

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