Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted in Proxy

Oct 16, 2005

Noted in Proxy

....that Issue # 18 of the History Carnival is up at Acephalous. Many thanks to Scott Eric Kaufman for a splendid job.

.....that Timothy Garton Ash spend a few weeks in Iran and wrote about it in the NYRB: Soldiers of the Hidden Imam.

....that Anatol Lieven, author of America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism, says his piece in the LRB: We do not deserve these people.

....that we have more speakers of Klingon than Arabic in the Administration.

....that Cliopatria contributing editor Sean Wilentz, also author of The Rise of American Democracy, draws parallels between the current Administration and the Machine in NYT: Bush's Ancestors. I smell a symposia coming.

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