Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Oct 6, 2005

Things Noted Here and There

Ancient Forgery: In"Forgery, Pseudopigrapha, and Apochrypha," Brandon Watson at Siris links to a series of posts on the biblioblogs about the conception of"forgery" in ancient texts.

Early Modern Ghosts: Sharon Howard's"Ghosts, Murders, and Providence," Early Modern Notes, 4 October, and Kristine Steenbergh's"Crime Detection and Ghosts," Earmarks in Early Modern Culture, get us into the spirit of all hallows' e'en.

Festivals: On Sunday 9 October, Alun will host an ancient/medieval edition of Carnivalesque Button at Archaeoastronomy. In honor of the season, it will have a special Halloween annex. So, send your nominations of exemplary ancient/medieval posts that have appeared since mid-July to: carnivalesque*AT*archaeoastronomy*DOT*co*uk.
On Monday 10 October, Jonathan Dresner will host the inaugural edition of the Asian History Carnival at Frog in a Well/Japan. Send your nominations of exemplary posts in any field or period of Asian history to: dresner*AT*hawaii*DOT*edu.
On Saturday 15 October, Miriam Jones at scribblingwoman will host the second Teaching Carnival, which focuses on teaching issues in higher education. Send your nominations of exemplary posts about teaching in higher ed that have appeared since 1 September to: scribbling*AT*gmail*DOT*com.

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