Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Things

Oct 2, 2005

More Noted Things

History Carnival #17 is up at The Apocalyptic Historian! Go. Enjoy the feast. And, while you are there, thank Lisa Roy Vox for being a fine host. The next History Carnival will be on 15 October, when Eric Scott Kaufman will be the host at Acephalous.

Anthony Harrigan,"History, the Past, and the Inner Life," (pdf) Humanitas, 2004, argues that historical consciousness is to civilized society what memory is to individual identity. Thanks to Alfredo Perez at Political Theory Daily Review for the tip.

In"World of Their Fathers," New York Times, 2 October, Eve Baruch revisits her grandparents' apartment on the upper west side of NYC in the 1930's. She is writing a novel based on their lives. Still the best non-fiction work, I think, is Irving Howe's World of Our Fathers, with its rich account of life in Manhattan prior to the generation that fled the Holocaust. Rosh Hashana begins on Monday at sundown and Yom Kippur follows, the next week.

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