Blogs > Cliopatria > Additionally Noted

Sep 28, 2005

Additionally Noted

On Saturday 1 October, Lisa Roy Vox will host History Carnival at The Apocalyptic Historian. Send your nominations of exemplary history posts since 15 September to her at vox*at*

At Rhine River, Nathanael Robinson's"The Geographical Turn" is a series of posts on the Annales school: Part I, Part II, Part III.

Glenn Collins,"A ‘Main Event' in Old New York," New York Times, 27 September, reviews"Slavery In New York," a $5 million exhibit of over 400 artifacts that will open on 7 October at the New York Historical Society.

Janet Maslin,"Using History as a Guide, But Skipping the Details," New York Times, 27 September, reviews E. L. Doctorow's latest work of"faction,"The March, a novel about General William T. Sherman's"march to the sea" during the Civil War. Like Ragtime, The March is a rich mixture of fact and fiction.

Mark Noll,"The Bible in American Public Life, 1860-2005: Dilemmas at the Center, Insights from the Margins," Books & Culture, September/ October. Mark Noll's remarkable essay cites the Bible's use by Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King and the perspectives of French Catholics before the Civil War and, subsequently, Quebec Catholics, Jewish immigrants, and African Americans to suggest ways in which the Bible can be invoked appropriately in public life. [ ... ]

Margo Jefferson,"New Orleans's Literary Gumbo of Jazz, Myth, and History," New York Times, 27 September, recalls nearly a dozen recent works of fiction and non-fiction about Big Easy culture.

Ira Katznelson,"New Deal, Raw Deal: How Aid Became Affirmative Action for Whites," Washington Post, 27 September, warns that reconstruction on the Gulf coast could replicate the discrimination against African Americans in New Deal reconstruction efforts.

Victor Davis Hanson,"Ivory Cower," Wall Street Journal, 27 September, takes America's academic leadership to the woodshed.

In"This War Sucks" at Iowahawk, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi live-blogs the weekend's anti-war demonstrations in Washington. Thanks to Patrick Belton at Oxblog for the tip.

Finally, here is a sampling of the best of the blogs done by American soldiers in Iraq: A Soldier's Thoughts, Boots in Baghdad, Life in This Girl's Army, 365 and a Wakeup, and Ma Deuce Gunner. They remind me that our colleague, Chris Bray, has only about five more weeks in training before he is deployed to Iraq. That's enough time for you to get a letter or a package to him before he leaves. His address is:

Sgt. Chris Bray
HHC, 2-128th Infantry
2490 25th Street
Camp Shelby, MS 39407

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