Blogs > Liberty and Power > Word to the Wise

Jun 2, 2008

Word to the Wise

Amazing that I should scoop Chris on this, but I have to report that film director Robert Wise has died. I have come to really despise his “Star Trek: The Motion Picture,” but that’s easily forgiven when held up against all his other accomplishments, which include one of the two or three greatest science-fiction films of all time, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” Of course, he wasn’t exclusively a sci-fi guy: He also made “West Side Story” and “The Sound of Music.” Definitely one of the greats.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 9/15/2005

... for cooking are

  • Use Good Ingredients
  • Don't Ruin Them

Wise's career seems to run hot or cold pretty much depending on the material that he had to work with. His greatest works, it seems, came when he had a preexisting great story (and in the case of West Side Story, music and choreography). On the other hand, handed a dog of a script like the first Star Trek, he apparently couldn't do anything with it.

Chris Sciabarra - 9/15/2005

Just found out... from you!

Tipped my hat to you here.

RIP, Robert Wise