Blogs > Cliopatria > History Carnival #16

Sep 15, 2005

History Carnival #16

is up at Orac's place.

History Carnival Button

Orac, one of the finest carnival hosts in the blogosphere, has turned a mere two weeks of historical blogging into a TV lineup that should make the History Channel hang their heads in shame.

I should assign this to my Historiography students. We've finished the first survey of the field and it would do them good to see what's out there. Perhaps a little compare/contrast with the AHR....

Update: J. Otto Pohl has put up the first (one hopes of many) Carnival of Diasporas. As a student of migrations myself, I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

Credit where credit is due: The Carnival of the Vanities, the grandaddy Carnival, the guilty pleasure, completes its Third Year. That's an epoch and several generations in internet years....

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