Blogs > Cliopatria > What's A Head

Sep 13, 2005

What's A Head

Today: You can read: Barbara Taylor,"Amazons of the Pen," The Guardian, 10 September, introduces us to the female philosophe; Scott McLemee,"The Zizek Effect," Inside Higher Ed 13 September, reviews a new film about Zizek; and Randy Dotinga,"Book Blogs' Buzz Grows Louder," Christian Science Monitor, 7 September, argues that literary blogs are winning new respect.

Tomorrow: Send your nominations of exemplary history posts that have appeared since 1 September to oracknows*at*gmail*dot*com because, on Thursday 15 September, Orac is hosting History Carnival at Respectful Insolence.

This Weak End: I'm not sure that this is what Senator Robert Byrd had in mind when he introduced his obligatory legislation, but Saturday is"Constitution Day" in the United States. Senator Byrd remembers when public colleges and universities still held classes on the Sabbath. Anyway, the National Endowment for the Humanities has put together abundant resources for studying the Constitution.

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Jonathan Dresner - 9/14/2005

Oh, I found out what we're doing. In order that the entire UH system be able to participate, we are airing two documentaries on Friday via our intra-system long-distance classroom system, and holding a panel discussion (based at our flagship campus, of course) on Monday via the same.

So, a few hundred people, perhaps (we can get about thirty or so into our videoconference room, and there's ten community colleges...) might get the benefit of this educational programming.

Jonathan Dresner - 9/13/2005

Actually, that would make a great forensic debate topic for students.... or for Judge Roberts' hearings.

Eric Leigh Muller - 9/13/2005

At UNC we are celebrating Constitution Day with a panel discussion on the Supreme Court appointments process.

I initially suggested that we celebrate Constitution Day by hosting a program on the constitutionality of requiring universities to celebrate Constitution Day, but that idea didn't fly.