mckinley enters the hall of martyrs

... is just one of the fine illustrations Alan Lessoff and his editorial staff picked to accompany an article on historians' reassessments of William McKinley's presidency in the current Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (History Cooperative link). Credit for such choices goes to them. Credit goes to JGAPE's anonymous referees for making the article readable.
The spirit of full disclosure prompts me to mention that I wrote the article. Anyway, if you like this sort of thing, you might like this thing.
Note: The illustration shows allegorical figures of"North" and"South" leading McKinley between busts of Lincoln and Garfield into the Hall of Martyrs. A waiting angel, partially visible, stretches out one hand to greet McKinley while preparing to crown him with a laurel wreath (update: actually, I think it's a crown of thorns) held high in the other hand. The illustration, properly titled"At the Threshold", is by William A. Rogers and it appeared in Harper's Weekly. Clicking on the picture above or on this link will let you read about it.