Blogs > Cliopatria > APB on the Missing

Mar 11, 2007

APB on the Missing

Following is a list of history students and faculty in the Tulane History Department who have not been heard from, according to department chairman James Bouyden. If anyone has information about these people, please post an entry on this blog page.

Professors Kenneth Harl, Rick Teichgraeber, and Trudy Yeager; our secretary Pamela Smith; visitors, instructors, adjuncts Laura Kelley, Meg Keenan Victoria Allison, Megan Hickerson, Charles Chamberlain, Pam Tyler, Bruce Raeburn, Terry Fitzmorris, Eric Wedig; graduate students David Dressing, Richard Conway, Mark Lentz, Lee Smith, Linzey Powers; Christopher Kent, Magdalena Vargas Bethencourt, Michael Redman and Marc Eagle and student worker Chris Brochyus.

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More Comments:

Margarita Vargas Betancourt - 9/4/2005

Dear Prof. Boyden,
I am not missing. I am in Charlotte, and this is my contact info
Phone: (704)5329172
1736 Progress Lane
Charlotte, NC 28205

Have you heard from Prof Schroeder, how can I contact her?
I heard on Sunday that Mark Lentz and Richard Conway were planning to leave together Sunday morning.

Margarita Vargas Betancourt

alfredo mycue - 9/4/2005

Thanks for the good news about you and the Redmans. We were worried for you. Thanks to Dave Simonelli for the update! Be in touch. Sheri and Alfredo

Lee Smith - 9/3/2005

Does anyone have a contact number or address for Randy Sparks? If you do, please email me at



Lee Smith - 9/3/2005

Yes, as Tiwanna said, I'm here in BR and doing fine. No power still, and a big tree down, but no other damage.

David Dressing - 9/3/2005

This is David Dressing. I am safe and sound in Cincinnati. Mike Redman, along with wife and son, were in Nashville, but yesterday informed me that they were headed to Louisville, Ky.

Tiwanna - 9/2/2005

Tulane History,
This is Tiwanna Simpson, Lee Smith's former advisor at LSU. I spoke to Lee and she is fine. She has no power here in Baton Rouge and has not been able to get a computer.

We are all thinking about you at LSU.

Megan Hickerson - 9/2/2005

I left New Orleans on Saturday and am fine. I'm at my mother's house in Lubbock, TX. My phone number is 806-799-1413, or I can be reached at this email address (
-Megan Hickerson