Blogs > Cliopatria > A Feast of Carnivals

Aug 30, 2005

A Feast of Carnivals

History Carnival ButtonThe next History Carnival will be hosted on 1 September by Jeremy Boggs at Clioweb. Entries may be focused on a historical topic, reflections on the particular challenges and rewards of studying, researching and teaching history, reviews of history books or web resources, discussions of 'popular' histories, etc. (You can find out more about the criteria at the link on the right.)

You should include in your email: the title and permalink URL of the blog post you wish to nominate and the author's name (or pseudonym) and the title of the blog. You can submit multiple suggestions, both your own writing and that of others, but please try not to submit more than one post by any individual author (with the exception of multi-part posts on the same topic).

Email your nominations for recently published posts (preferably since the last carnival on 15 August) to: jboggs AT gmu DOT edu (put 'History Carnival' in the subject line of the email).

Carnivalesque Button The next edition of Carnivalesque is to be held on Monday 5 September, and it's the turn of the early modernists, at (a)musings of a grad student. So please send on your nominations of quality blog posts (preferably posted since about the beginning of July), on any topic to do with the period between (approximately) 1500-1800 CE, to your host, Rebecca, by midnight 4 September: rgoetz AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu (put 'Carnivalesque' in the subject line).

Also coming up...
The Carnival of Bad History will be on 1 September at Dodecahedron. If you've been debunking bad history lately, or read a post from someone else who has, they'd like to hear from you.

GZombie is holding the inaugural issue of the Teaching Carnival on 1 September. The aim is for it to be rather different from the existing Carnival of Education, as the focus will be on teaching issues in higher education.

And the next Skeptics' Circle will also be on 1 September at Red State Rabble

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