Additionally Noted
So, you've been tapped to teach Science Fiction, 1815-1990, next semester and you need a list of the essential novels. Brandon Watson at Siris has a list of 20 and invites discussion.
These days, it's common to hear pundits on the Right claim that American conservatives have a monopoly on ideas. Not so, says Austin Bramwell's"Defining Conservatism Down," American Conservative, 29 August. The golden age of the conservative intellectuals was a half century ago and they wouldn't recognize what passes for a" conservative" agenda these days.
As Eric Alterman points out, according to SurveyUSA, President Bush's current approval ratings are positive only in Alabama, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. The disapproval margins are in the double digits in such surprising places as Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Virginia.
The question, says Scott Eric Kaufman, is:"What Has Scott McLemee Done For Me Lately?"
Finally, Pat Robertson's recommendation that the United States dispatch an agent to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez reminded Lynne Duke of the Washington Post that there is a history of such intrigue and was a congressional investigation of it. Duke's"Regime Change by Assassination? Easier Said Than Done," 24 August, recalls that history, that it is illegal, and that the consequences of it are, if anything, often worse that the conditions that summoned it.