Blogs > Cliopatria > Things Noted Here and There

Aug 22, 2005

Things Noted Here and There

The New York Times' complete coverage of ‘The Evolution Debate' continues with Kenneth Chang's"In Explaining Life's Complexity, Scientists and Doubters Clash."

Two presidential elections that will not be laid to rest:

On 2004, Dennis Loo,"No Paper Trail Left Behind: The Theft of the 2004 Presidential Election." Project Censored. Thanks to Kevin Murphy at Ghost in the Machine for the tip.

On 2000, Paul Krugman,"Don't Prettify Our History," New York Times, 22 August.

Speaking of elections, Ohio Democrats should be primed to take advantage of a Republican state monopoly that looks to be on the ropes. After" coingate" and his conviction on ethics violations, Governor Robert Taft could face impeachment proceedings and both Senators George Voinovich and Mike DeWine are among the Senators with the lowest voter approval ratings.

Joel Achenbach,"The Tail That Wags the Blog," Washington Post, 21 August. [ ... and just for good measure: 666, Karl Rove, jihad, Angelina Joli, libertarian, Adolph Hitler, transgendered, Brad Pitt, plagiarism, viagra, Jerusalem, Joseph Stalin ... ] Thanks to Dale Light at Light Seeking Light for the tip.

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John H. Lederer - 8/23/2005

It is troubling when citations don't stand for what they are represented to be.

Robert KC Johnson - 8/22/2005

If the Dems can't win in OH in 2006, it would seem remarkable--but this is a state party that (inexplicably) collapsed in the early 1990s and hasn't been able to field a credible statewide candidate since. (See the flirtation with a Springer candidacy for Senate two years ago.) It's hard to believe that two decades ago the state had two powerful Dem senators (Glenn and Metzenbaum) and a high-profile Dem governor (Celeste).