Blogs > Cliopatria > More Noted Still

Aug 20, 2005

More Noted Still

Analogies and Constitutions: Fred Kaplan,"Philadelphia 1787 vs. Baghdad 2005: Bush's Lousy Analogy," Slate, 19 August. Some things are comparable; mostly they're not. For a closer look, see: Joseph Ellis,"Baghdad's Foundering Fathers," LA Times, 19 August; and Hiram Hover.

Ancient Dress: Mr. Sun! turns up evidence that my ansisters were"sluts."

Farewell: Here's a final farewell today to my cousin, Hunter S. Thompson. No whimpers for him. Gonzo killed himself with a bang and they're gonna disperse him with a bang.

An Outing: Jacob Gershman,"On the Trail of an Undercover Professor," New York Sun, 19 August, claims to have identified the pseudonymous author of My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student. At Critical Mass, Erin O'Connor says that the outing was inevitable.

Rephotography: At no great matter, eb recommends exhibits of photographs taken from the same vantage many years apart. Three such exhibits are:"Urban Life Through Two Lenses," on Montreal in the 19th and 20th centuries,"Third View," of familiar geology and changing geography in the mountain West; and Berenice Abbott and Douglas Levere's"Changing New York," photographs taken in the 1930s and sixty years later.

Symbolic politics:"The Ministry of Reshelving" proposes to reshelve George Orwell's 1984 from literature to current events in book stores across the country."Timothy the Grouch" thinks it's not a great idea.

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More Comments:

Van L. Hayhow - 8/22/2005

Is he the same person who also wtite reviews for the Absolute Sound?

Jonathan Dresner - 8/20/2005

This 5-year experiment with 17th century living [via Cronaca] has some interesting things to say about clothes.

Most of their "findings" echo what the organic movement folks have been saying for years...