Blogs > Cliopatria > Cliopatria Welcomes Rebecca Anne Goetz

Aug 17, 2005

Cliopatria Welcomes Rebecca Anne Goetz

It's a pleasure to welcome Rebecca Anne Goetz to our circle at Cliopatria. She's already known to many of us via her blog, (a)musings of a grad student, and conversations here. Originally from Austin, Texas, Rebecca is an honors graduate of Bates College, and, now, a doctoral candidate at Harvard. As a student of Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, she is currently writing her dissertation,"From Potential Christians to Hereditary Heathens: Religion and Race in the Early Chesapeake, 1590-1740." She has international experience, traveling, living, and studying in Berlin, Havana, London, and Sydney.

In addition to honors and awards for teaching and research from the Derek Bok Center, the Charles Warren Center, the Gilder-Lehrman Foundation, and the Mellon Foundation, Rebecca has presented her research at the American Historical Association, the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, and elsewhere. In March, her first major article,"General Artemas Ward: A Revolutionary Remembered and Reinvented, 1800-1939," appeared in the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. There's more about the personal side of Rebecca Goetz here – like she can do cartwheels and is willing to go bungee jumping, if you hold her glasses. Now, if she'll just hold still long enough, welcome to Cliopatria!

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More Comments:

Sharon Howard - 8/17/2005

Welcome on board!

Rebecca Anne Goetz - 8/17/2005

Thank you both very much!

Jonathan T. Reynolds - 8/17/2005

Hail and well met! Nice to have you on board.

Caleb McDaniel - 8/17/2005

Welcome, Rebecca!