Blogs > Cliopatria > Weak Endnotes

Oct 29, 2011

Weak Endnotes

  • History Carnival CIV goes up at The Renaissance Mathematicus on Tuesday 1 November. Use the form to nominate the best in October's history blogging.
  • On Tuesday 1 November, nominations open for the Cliopatria Awards, 2011. Through November here at Cliopatria, you can nominate candidates for the year's Best Individual Blog, Best Group Blog, Best New Blog, Best Post, Best Series of Posts, and Best Writer. For the first time, this year there will be Cliopatria Awards for Best Podcast and for Twitter. Nominations close at midnight on 30 November. Committees of judges will make their decisions in December and the winners will be announced at Chicago's AHA convention in early January.
  • Military History Carnival XXIX will go up here at Cliopatria on 1 December. Use the form to nominate the best in military history blogging since 29 August.
  • Holland Cotter, "A Cosmopolitan Trove of Exotic Beauty," NYT, 27 October, previews the opening of the Metropolitan Museum's redesigned Islamic exhibition space.

    Lili Loofbourow, "The Golden Age Of Dirty Talk," The Awl, 25 October, argues an earlier age had more imaginative language.

    Adam Kirsch, "Red Rosa," Jewish Review of Books, Fall, reviews Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and Annalies Laschitza, eds., The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg.

    Jed Perl, "The Relevance of Irrelevance," TNR, 26 October, reviews "Georges Braque: Pioneer of Modernism," an exhibit at New York's Acquavella Galleries.

    Denis Donoghue, "Samuel Beckett's Midgame," NYT, 28 October, reviews George Craig, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Dan Gunn and Lois More Overbeck, eds., The Letters of Samuel Beckett, Vol II, 1941-1956.