Blogs > Cliopatria > Blogging Historians

Sep 24, 2005

Blogging Historians

In"Were There Blog Enough and Time," I tried to make the case for history blogging. One of the things that we know about it is that history blogging has predominantly been an activity of younger historians. With the launching of POTUS as a new group blog, however, I think that more senior historians have begun to take up the challenge.

Here's a list of over two dozen tenured associate and full professors of history who are blogging. If you know others, please mention them in comments.**

Jonathan Bean, Southern Illinois University, Liberty & Power
David Beito, University of Alabama, Liberty & Power
Timothy Burke, Swarthmore, Easily Distracted
Juan Cole, University of Michigan, Informed Comment
Stephen Davies, Manchester Metropolitan University, Liberty & Power Sherman Dorn, University of South Florida, Sherman Dorn

Mark Grimsley, Ohio State, Blog Them Out of the Stone Age
Alonzo Hamby, Ohio University, POTUS
Joan Hoff, Montana State University, POTUS
KC Johnson, Brooklyn College, Cliopatria
Jeffrey Kimball, Miami University, POTUS
Stanley Kutler*, University of Wisconsin, POTUS

Mark LeVine, University of California, Irvine, Mark A. LeVine
Allan Lichtman, American University, POTUS
Dale B. Light*, Pennsylvania State University, Light Seeking Light
Deborah E. Lipstadt, Emory University, History on Trial
William Marina, Florida Atlantic University, Liberty & Power

Timothy Naftali, University of Virginia, POTUS
James Oakes, CUNY, The Graduate Center, Left2Right
Paula Petrik, George Mason University, History Talk
Thomas C. Reeves*, University of Wisconsin, Parkside, Thomas C. Reeves
Greg Robinson, University of Quebec, Montreal, Cliopatria
Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.*, NYU, Huffington Post
Hugo Schwyzer, Pasadena Community College, Hugo Schwyzer
Melvin Small, Wayne State University, POTUS

Gil Troy, McGill University, POTUS
Ted Widmer, Washington College, POTUS
Jon Wiener, University of California, Irvine, Jon Wiener
Lawrence S. Wittner, SUNY, Albany, POTUS
Julian E. Zelizer, Boston University, POTUS

**At least one of my colleagues at Cliopatria may have been recently tenured and promoted to associate professor. I don't mean to ignore you. Just let me know and I'll add your name to the list.

In addition to these, there are history bloggers who may be tenured as associate or full professors, but who choose to blog pseudonymously.

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More Comments:

David T. Beito - 8/16/2005

Steven Davies, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sudha Shenoy, University of Newcastle in Australia, and John Majewski, University of California at Santa Barbara (all Liberty and Power). All of these professors are tenured.