More Noted Things
In"Stick It To The Historians! or Social Darwinism? No Such Beast," Acephalous ponders whether to take up cudgels in his dissertation with fellow literary critics who assume the accuracy of Richard Hofstadter's construction of social Darwinism or whether to slay the old dragon himself. For my part, I think we're long overdue a major reappraisal of the whole of Hofstadter's widely influential work. Bits and pieces of it have been done, significant challenges were raised within his lifetime, of course, but they're not yet the major reappraisal that I think's in order.
Margaret Soltan at University Diaries calls attention to the Telegraph's report of multiple instances of plagiarism in Judith Kelly's memoir, Rock Me Gently: The True Story of a Convent Childhood. Is there something peculiarly odd or wrong about plagiarism in an autobiography? Ms. Kelly may want to discuss her need to live someone else's life with an analyst, perhaps especially because the plargiarism is from works of fiction. ...
At The Cunning Realist, a Republican defends Cindy Sheehan from the right-wing smear machine. Thanks to Mike at Outside Report for the tip.
Mr. Sun! notices that Cliopatria's gone through puberty in"Sizzlin' Summer Makeover."