Blogs > Cliopatria > The Trials of Katherine Harris

Aug 4, 2005

The Trials of Katherine Harris

Dems have been celebrating at the remarkable showing of Paul Hackett, the first Iraq war vet to run for Congress, in a special election contest in Ohio. Hackett lost, but his 48% of the vote was the party's best performance in the district in over a decade.

As the New Republicpoints out, such celebrating may be off the mark--Hackett's performance probably won't be replicated elsewhere in 2006. The good news for the party in recent days has, instead, come from Florida, whose Senate race increasingly is looking as if it won't be a problem for the Dems. First, the strongest possible GOP challenger, House Speaker Besse, has decided not to run. Second, all-but-certain GOP nominee Katherine Harris, is now charging a media conspiracy against her--claiming that (unnamed) newspapers doctored photographs of her in the 2000 recount fight to highlight her unusual makeup skills. When asked about details of the allegations, Harris' spokesperson reported her saying,"I haven't worn blue eye shadow since the seventh grade when I was in the Girl Scouts." The spokesperson didn't identify any newspaper that showed a photo of her with blue eye shadow.

It's nice to see that Harris hasn't lost touch with reality.

Update, 6.24pm: The AP reports that the White House is still trying to find a challenger for Harris. Despite Bush's famed loyalty, the President hasn't been too loyal to Harris--to whom, perhaps more than any other single person, he owes his office.

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John H. Lederer - 8/4/2005

"The spokesperson didn't identify any newspaper that showed a photo of her with blue eye shadow."

I certainly don't know the truth of the matter, but it is trivial to google her, go to images, and find some that sure look like blue eye shadow though I confess to a lack of expertise, e.g.

And it does seem a common motif in caricaturing her:

However, I did not find any of her presumably selected official or quasi-official pictures that seemed like blue eyeshadow to my non-expert eyes.