Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Greatest Central Banker of Our Time

Nov 23, 2010

The Greatest Central Banker of Our Time

In life, justly earned rewards are often never delivered and proof of it is a man named Riad Salameh, the greatest central banker of our time. If you are scratching your head because the name doesn't ring a bell, no need to fret. You're not alone.

Dr. Salameh has been Lebanon's central bank governor since 1993, steering her through multiple foreign invasions, civil war, political assassinations, and the greatest credit bubble the world has ever seen. Unique among all central bankers, he pulled his banking system from in front of the onrushing train of the Great Moderation so it went roaring by Lebanon's banking system and broadsided America's, sitting idle, dumb, and fat on the tracks just up ahead.

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