Blogs > Cliopatria > Noted Here and There ...

Jul 23, 2005

Noted Here and There ...

"Toll Continues to Rise in Egypt Blasts," 23 July, is al Jazeera's report on the explosions that tore through Sharm el-Shaik, the Egyptian resort, early this morning, killing 83 people and wounding between 136 and 200 others. Juan Cole of Informed Comment and Brian Ulrich of Brian's Study Breaks, who has been doing research in Egypt this summer, comment on the bombings at Sharm el-Shaik.

The Carnegie Endowment for Peace has a translation of and commentary on the most recent draft of the Iraqi Constitution's Bill of Rights.

My virtual son, Andrew Ackerman, is in Atlanta for a weekend visit. I am so jealous. He was at the going away party in Washington, DC, for Belle Waring on Thursday evening. Jason Kuznicki and Belle give their reports on the DC gathering.

Will Franklin will host the next History Carnival on 1 August at WILLisms. Send your nominations of exemplary history posts since 15 July to: willisms*at*gmail*dot*com. The Cranky Professor will host the inaugural ancient/medieval rendition of Carnivalesque on 7 August. Send your nominations of history posts that have appeared in the last three months on the period prior to about 1450 C. E. to professor*at*crankyprofessor*dot*com.

In last two weeks, Sepoy has had a terrific series of posts at Chapati Mystery: That Terror Thing, That Terror Thing, II, That Terror Thing, III, and That Terror Thing, IV. They'll change your way of thinking about terrorism and the aims of the terrorists.

Brandon at Siris has been live-blogging the 32nd International Hume Conference. See: Day I, Day II, Day III, and Day IV.

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More Comments:

Jonathan Dresner - 7/24/2005

Very interesting reading, thanks. Clearly, it's a draft. There's stuff for people of every political persuasion to hate, and a fair bit to like. Their judiciary is going to be very busy in the first few years....