Blogs > Liberty and Power > Bush Supports Firing of Rove-style Leakers, No Ifs, Ands, or Buts

Jul 14, 2005

Bush Supports Firing of Rove-style Leakers, No Ifs, Ands, or Buts

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Tom G Palmer - 7/15/2005

I think that he is referring to this one:

"What's the Real Story on Karl Rove"

Gus diZerega - 7/14/2005


Brian Radzinsky - 7/14/2005

I'll abstain from betting if only because everyone who reads this blog probably understands that Rove is next to untouchable.

Tom G Palmer - 7/14/2005

Anyone willing to take any bets that, if there is a clear and unambiguous line to Mr. Rove, he'll still be in the administration six months later? (Mind you, innocent until proven guilty.)

William Marina - 7/13/2005

Check out Jude's recent post on this.