Blogs > Cliopatria > Rebunk's Summer Vacation

Jul 12, 2005

Rebunk's Summer Vacation

Rebunk will more than likely be sporadic at best in posting for the next week or so. Marc is on vacation with his wife, surely thinking about anything but blogging. Knowing how excited Steve was about his research trip, he probably is spending his days knee deep in archive boxes and his nights curled up with the photocopies and a bottle of wine. Rich is still celebrating his last great victory in the Vermont courts, is hard on the job search, and is nursing a torn up ankle from his softball league. Tom has started his new job but had to run to Cleveland unexpectedly in the last day or so. And I am spending the next few days in Scotland and London. My buddy Josh is coming across from Boston and we will be heading up to the British Open, which is being held at the Old Course at St. Andrews from Thursday through Sunday. I’ll blog if I get to a computer, but expect us to be pretty silent all in all. Check back in a week or so. Cheers!

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