The Commercialization of Communism

I first noticed this image on a television commercial for Burlington Coat Factory and recorded my surprise at the LRC blog.
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Rather than call it Capitalism, I would say it is mass marketing in the kind of mass social orders that characterize empires, where Legalism has made much or real law a dead letter.
AV-L's piece is very good. See also my old friend & co-author, Natrhaniel Weyl's Red Star Over Cuba (1960). As his Literary Executor, I have set up a web site in his honor,, and that book and others will be there free for any reader in the months ahead.
Bill Marina
That will be the day!
The commercialization of Che has been going on for some time now, but we will know that capitalism has finally won when Lenin's Tomb goes up for sale on E-Bay.