Blogs > Liberty and Power > The Commercialization of Communism

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Anthony Gregory - 7/13/2005


David Timothy Beito - 7/13/2005

William Marina - 7/13/2005

Rather than call it Capitalism, I would say it is mass marketing in the kind of mass social orders that characterize empires, where Legalism has made much or real law a dead letter.
AV-L's piece is very good. See also my old friend & co-author, Natrhaniel Weyl's Red Star Over Cuba (1960). As his Literary Executor, I have set up a web site in his honor,, and that book and others will be there free for any reader in the months ahead.
Bill Marina

Anthony Gregory - 7/12/2005

That will be the day!

John W. Payne - 7/12/2005

The commercialization of Che has been going on for some time now, but we will know that capitalism has finally won when Lenin's Tomb goes up for sale on E-Bay.